Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My little royal cuppies

I had a lot of fun last few weeks baking cupcakes for my sis's school...the plan was for a 4-day-sales and on the first day, i baked around 200 pcs = 40 packets. I was a bit worried at first, thinking whether or not all of the cuppies could be sold but to my surprise, my sis called me up on the same day from her school telling that all of the cupcakes were sold out in less than 5 minutes...she didn't even managed to take the cupcakes out of the boxes when her schoolmates surrounded her and quickly grabbed the cupcake.

The second day, we double the packets and still, it was sold out like hot cakes!!...those who did not managed to come on time, had to give a list of order just to make sure they'll get it on the next day. on third and forth day, the cupcakes were still on high demand.

No doubt it was a tiring 4 days for me & my sis but we had lots of fun...here are some of the pics taken

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